The Most Valuable Thing on Earth
If you Google the most valuable thing on Earth, the responses are quite surprising. One says gold, another says water, another says time, while one brings up the irrefutable fact of our need of oxygen. There are numerous things from fossil fuels to rare elements on the list.
One thing that wasn’t on anyone’s list was people. That actually surprised me. I thought that children, spouses, parents, or siblings would have been at the top of every list.
What do you value most? What is most dear and important in your life? What do you treasure?
The value or ‘worth’ of something is typically determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. I may think that my 2003 Volkswagen Polo is worth $100,000.00. But, I would be hard pressed to find ANYONE willing to pay that much for it.
If you were able to ask God what He thought the most valuable thing on Earth was, do you know what He’d say?
God values us. He thinks we are worth the price of His Son. He actually paid the highest price for us. He paid top dollar for used goods. If we are honest, most of us have messed up our lives pretty bad. We have made mistakes and even set our self-worth very low. He doesn’t wait to get us on the discounted shelf, or want a bargain because we’re broken. He always pays full-price! Always! To God, you are worth it!
It was for people that Jesus came. It was for people that Jesus died. He paid the debt that we owed with a price we could not pay. He paid with His very life. Do you know why? L-O-V-E. He loved us each so much that He gave the life of His Son in exchange for us! He paid the ransom that death had on us.
Paid in full. I like the sound of that.
The beauty of it is that we didn’t do anything to deserve it. It was freely given because He loves and values us. That’s hard to grasp. Paid in full on the cross. Our lives for His. Hardly an even trade.
He changed my destiny. He changed my eternity. What about yours?
Here’s what God says,
John 3:16 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Jesus didn’t come for gold, power, prestige, or fame. He came for you.
You are the most valuable thing on Earth!
P.S. If anyone is interested, I have a VW Polo for sale. Asking $100,000.00.