Do You Know Where You're Going?
One day it started to rain. It continued for days. I had heard rumors that the sun was still there in the sky, but it did not make an appearance through the clouds.
I was riding the bus home after attending a weekly prayer meeting. I love the double-decker buses here in the city. I sat in the front of the upper deck above the driver. The windows were fogged over and there are no wipers on the upper deck to allow visibility. I had a thought in that moment… I could not see where I was, let alone where I was going. I had to trust the driver.
As a follower of Christ, I must live a life of trust. My vision may be clouded at times, and the rains of life beat against the windows. But, I need only to trust the driver. He knows where I’m going and always knows where I am. I simply have to trust Him.
I realized on the journey home that I could have been panicky. I could have moved to a seat where I could see better. But, I chose to stay put, trusting that the driver knew where he was going. And, I relaxed and enjoyed the ride.
God promises to never leave us, nor forsake us. We are never alone. He also says that He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it. He is faithful. We can rely on Him to get us to our destination even if we can’t see where we’re going, at times. We can trust Him with our lives. In fact, He holds our eternal destiny in the palm of His hand.
God is a great driver.